What’s the deal with Blackout Curtains?

Just like everything with sleep, there are different opinions on if blackout shades really work or if they are just another sleep prop. While yes, they can be another “sleep prop” (something a baby needs to fall asleep initially and then back asleep after sleep cycles), darkness is also proven to help people sleep better! Darkness helps regulate our circadian rhythms and our production of melatonin. I am of the mindset that if there is something that can help baby sleep deeper, take better naps, and sleep later in the morning, then we should utilize them! Blackout curtains are easily available (although not all are created equally!) and easy to install which is just another reason I support the use of blackout curtains! 

In this blog, we’ll go through the benefits of blackout curtains and answer some FAQs! 

First, some facts about darkness and sleep: 

  1. Darkness plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s internal clock (aka, circadian rhythm). This clock helps establish healthy sleep patterns and ensure baby gets enough sleep during the night. 

  2. Darkness triggers the body to make melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate eat-wake cycles in our bodies. This hormone is helpful for sleep and using blackout curtains prevents light from disrupting the production of melatonin in our bodies!! 

So, do blackout shades really work? 

In short, YES! Blackout curtains can prevent sun from coming into the room in early morning hours and during naps. Sunlight signals to our brains that it is time to be up and awake, so using blackout curtains to help block that light can help babies sleep better for naps and stay asleep later in the mornings!  Utilizing blackout curtains during the day for naps can also help babies sleep deeper for naps (and we all know how important those naps are!) 

What is the difference between room-darkening and blackout shades?

Room darkening shades typically do just that–darken the room while blackout shades are typically thicker and aim to block out all light to make the room very very dark! 

Do all babies need blackout curtains to sleep well?

No! Just like some babies can feed or rock to sleep and sleep well while some cannot, some babies can sleep perfectly fine without blackout curtains! Each baby is truly different and some babies sleep just fine with sunlight in the room! It is perfectly fine to experiment with your own situation to see if sunlight seems to affect your baby’s naps and early morning wakings! If having complete darkness seems to help baby sleep deeper and longer, then don’t hesitate to add blackout curtains to the windows! 

What about when traveling?

One concern parents may have with using blackout curtains is that the baby may only be able to fall asleep with complete darkness. This concern is often associated with sleeping away from home while traveling or daycare. However, there are so many incredible products easily available to make sleeping away from  home with baby easier (such as the Slumberpod (use code: Heyabbysleepconsulting for $10 off) or SleepOut curtains). You can even utilize household items like black trashbags or blankets to make a room darker if you do not have actual blackout curtains available. Pro tip: always travel with PAINTER’S TAPE! It is so helpful to tape down the sides of curtains or hang trashbags if needed! 

But what about my baby who goes to daycare?

Can babies learn to sleep without total darkness? Absolutely. While I am a big fan of blackout curtains and creating the best sleeping environment for our babies, I also fully believe we can teach our babies anything–even sleeping in bright spaces! So don’t be discouraged if your baby cannot have “the perfect environment” for each sleep. Work on independent sleep skills, and your baby will be more likely to be able to sleep in flexible spaces! 

When do we stop using blackout curtains for sleep?

That is totally up to you. I personally still use them as an adult because I sleep better when it is dark! But when you stop using them is a personal choice for your baby and your family! 

So to wrap it up, I am a huge fan of blackout curtains! I think they are easily available, easy to travel with, easy to set up, and can improve your baby’s sleep! Even if your baby can’t sleep with blackout curtains all the time, I am a believer in creating the best environment for the best sleep in the space they are sleeping the most! 


What is sleep latency?


Sleep and Travel