Daycare and Sleep

I often get emails or messages on instagram from parents who are curious about my program, but have one big concern: their baby attends daycare! Many parents believe that just because their baby is in daycare this means that baby cannot sleep well at night because they are not home to monitor daytime naps!

Let me be the first to tell you that this is just not the case!

While naps are one important factor for daytime sleep, there are many many other factors that impact nighttime sleep. I would even go as far to say that HOW a baby is falling asleep for bedtime is actually the biggest contributing factor in impacting nighttime sleep. 

And truth be told, many babies that are in daycare end up being better sleepers than those who are not! Daycare workers are often miracle workers! 

In this blog, I am going to address some frequently asked questions and give my best tips for handling daycare and sleep! 

1- Can my baby sleep well and attend daycare?

ABSOLUTELY! There may be an adjustment period, but good daycare sleep is totally possible! Keep open communication with the daycare workers, share a desired schedule, send plenty of food, and trust your chosen daycare to do the work they are doing! And if naps are short, try not to stress too much! I’ll have tips on what to do in that situation below! 

2- What do I do if baby only takes short naps at daycare?

First, don’t stress! We have a few options! The first option is to accept it. It might be the reality for a short season, especially if it has to do with the regulations at the daycare regarding leaving a baby awake in a crib. Babies naturally complete a sleep cycles around 30-45 minutes and often will wake at that time and cry out a bit or be happily awake. If they aren’t able to leave baby in their space to have time to fall back asleep for another sleep cycle, then they may not be able to lengthen at this time while at daycare. Encourage daycare to follow wake windows and not set nap times, and don’t fret! Babies can adjust to one thing at home and one thing at daycare.

Second, chat with your daycare! Ask about their policies regarding helping baby get back to sleep after a short nap. Some daycares are able to help with this and some may not. Share ideas on ways to help your baby connect their sleep cycles as well as your desired nap times and wake windows. Sometimes something as simple as giving them a little bit of time to connect sleep cycles can help a ton!

Third, aim for a catnap on the way home! This can often serve as a “bridge” nap to help get them to a more appropriate bedtime. If baby doesn’t fall asleep in the car but could still benefit from a catnap, feel free to get a quick snuggle contact nap in to help stretch to bedtime once you get home!

Finally, an early bedtime can be your best friend! We don’t want this everyday, but sometimes we just need it. If you notice signs of overtiredness (night wakings, early morning wakings, fighting bedtime) then you may need to do an earlier bedtime for a few days.

3- Daycare switched my baby to one nap at 12 months, can I keep 2 at home?

Absolutely! The way in which babies can do one thing at daycare and something different at home amazes me every time but baby can adapt to the two different environments and schedules very smoothly! If you are doing 2 naps at home and there aren’t any signs to transition, keep that going at home! You may need an earlier bedtime for those one nap daycare days for a bit!

4- Daycare doesn’t use blackout curtains but my baby sleeps better in the dark. Should I change it at home?

Same idea as above, it’s okay for the environments to be different and baby will get used to that! If they sleep well in the dark at home, keep that going!

5- Daycare cannot swaddle my baby. Should I stop at home?

I highly recommend swaddling until the startle reflex has gone away (or they roll over and need to drop it for safety). Babies can adapt to the two environments so keep the swaddle going at home! 

So what are my BEST tips for starting daycare?

  1. Interview a few!

    You want to feel really confident and comfortable with your daycare. You all are a team and it is important to have someone you trust with your baby! It is okay to interview a few until you find the best fit!

  2. Keep open communication!

    Be sure to talk daily with your caregiver. Find out when your baby ate and slept. Make sure they are recording that for you and if they aren’t, kindly ask them to do that. It’ll be super helpful to know how much your baby has eaten and slept when you pick them back up.

  3. Send a suggested schedule

    (but be okay if they can’t follow it exactly!). You may have to kindly remind them to follow it, but don’t stress too much if it isn’t followed exactly!

  4. Send in plenty of milk!

    Babies need a certain amount of milk in a 24 hour period. Whatever they don’t eat during the day, they will need to make it up at night. Be sure to send in enough milk and if babies are consistently finishing bottles, send in more ounces! 

  5. Give it time and grace.

    Remember it it a transition for you and for baby. Transitions take time to get used to, so offer yourself and your baby grace and patience during the change!

  6. Early bedtime during the transition (and other times as needed!).

    Daycare has a lot going on!! Naps may be shorter and baby may use lots more energy to play with their new friends and in their new environment! This can really tire them out! So don’t be afraid to put baby down a little early as they get used to daycare!

Be encouraged - babies attending day care can be great sleepers! If you need help with the transition or are finding your baby is struggling, reach out for support - we’d love to help! 


The Best Room for the Best Sleep!