Easter Basket—Sleep Edition!
Okay, you may be ahead of the game with all of those Easter basket items tucked to the side ready to go… or you may be like me and really planning to rely on the Dollar Spot at Target and Amazon Prime the Friday before… or Easter baskets might not be your thing and you just want to know what sleep goodies I recommend… either way THIS IS YOUR SPOT!
For each age I’m going to recommend two SLEEP EDITION Easter basket items, and two other ideas because I just can’t help myself. Baskets of fun things for your kids to explore are just, ya know, fun!
Babies (1 year and under):
Sleep items:
SOUND MACHINE: Sound machines at this age do not need to be fancy, but they are GOLDEN for good sleep! And you can NEVER have too many!
A Good Baby Carrier for baby wearing!: I can never stress enough that good sleep does not need to mean you are stuck at home all day! Babywearing for naps is THE BEST way to keep little one’s naps going well while also getting to go out and do what you need (or want!) to do!
Extra goodies:
FUN bath toy!: This bath toy, I don’t know what it is about it but it has been a winner from 6 months old until well… to be determined. It is still a winner. It keeps the water flowing the whole bath without the the faucet running the whole time, which both baby and your water bill are going to looooooove.
This board book: When I have a chance to give something to a kid… it’s probably going to include a book! And this one has a wonderful message to communicate Easter to a young kiddo!
The Littles (1 year - 4 years old):
Sleep Items:
Hatch light: The hatch light is a light and sound machine that is able to be controlled from your phone! While your kiddo will enjoy picking out the color of the light, it can also help with sleep routines as you use it to signal when they are able to call for you in the morning or when nap or rest time is over, etc.!
My routine cards!: This is the PERFECT age to make sure your bedtime routine is structured and simple to help keep little one’s ready for a smooth transition to night time.
Extra goodies:
Bath color tablets!: These are the BEST color tablets for the bath - they provide the strongest color and leave behind NOTHING on the skin or tub! It makes bathtime for any age so. much. fun.
Reusable sticker books: There are a ton of options for this, but these are some of my favorites! And my kids have loved them from as little as they could do it and on… age 9 and counting!
The Older littles (5 years old + up):
Sleep Items:
Digital alarm clock!: A digital clock can allow your older littles to notice the time and know when they can get up in the morning based on the time shown instead of the light changing colors! A great natural transition to practice telling time also!
Mini flashlights: These are a great tool for kiddos to read quietly in bed while they get ready to fall asleep! Each of my older kiddos gets to have one in their bed or “night time bin”.
Extra goodies:
This fun book of facts about the Bible: My older kiddos and I love this one - it’s full of interesting extra facts and really captivating to look through!
Hilarious Game!: We love laughing together to silly games… Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza is definitely that! And this is the Easter edition!
And a bigger item, I will never stop recommending… THE SLUMBERPOD! Use HEYABBYSLEEPCONSULTING to save you money!
Find us on instagram and tag us if you use any of these items in your Easter Basket!